The Importance Of Reading Essay

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The Importance of Reading Imagine being in the story of a favorite book, and seeing along with other senses in the world through that of the character; however, what would happen if that world was taken out from right under the character’s feet, and the reader would never know what happens next. Reading have an effect to by learning curve in the process to succeed in life achievements. Reading is involved in most jobs that exist in the world that brings a person to either success or failure in the world. There are charts that can back up the change to reading in a culture. There are people who can agree to the importance of reading. Any person can see that reading can be important to life. While some would argue reading is less important to …show more content…

According to “The Importance of Reading” article, reading is a major deal for a kid’s success in life. However, kids with difficulties in reading will have barriers that could prevent the desire to read and never overcome without any guidance (“The Importance of Reading”). The article speaks that eighty-five percent of kids with learning disabilities have a primary issue with reading and relating to language skills (“The Importance of Reading”). The article states that it is good to reorganize and address the issues early on from the medical and educational facts that are being emphasized (“The Importance of Reading”). When the disability is finally identified, this should improve the child’s reading to grade level (“The Importance of Reading”). These kids learn about decoding to help them learn the meaning of words, sentences, and the entire passages. The professionals and the government’s study along with individual studies can show that there are people who care about the importance reading can make in the …show more content…

To begin with, Ray Fowler researched the average time people, more of the younger adults, spend their day. According to the pie chart, the average American tends to watch television at an average of two point six hours (Fowler). From Ray Fowler’s pie chart, the average reading is twenty-two minutes that do not weigh much to the television watching (Fowler). It shows the others that have less than an hour like playing video games, relaxation, sports, and socializing that average people do during each day (Fowler). On an average American day, people have more time for television than increasing their reading skills.
Then there is Amy Williams’ chart on the world standard reading of fifteen year-old students’ performance in reading. According to her graph, the United States’ score is less than 500 in the world along with science and math (Williams). The top country in reading and science is Japan with a score close to 540 on the scale in the world (Williams). China has done well in reading, science, and mathematics (Williams). This chart shows the effect of the decreasing need to read of the fifteen

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