The Importance Of Phenomenology In Architecture

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Phenomenology aids the integration of sensory perception as a function of a built form, because it provides experience for its users. Every architectural intervention is constructed using physical materials, but it can create experiences that are beyond the tangible world. To do this, I selected three examples of steven holl’s works, he puts forward the tactility of design in practicing architecture. He aimed at connecting the intellect with senses, idea with phenomena and body with environment. For Holl, the experiential potential of architecture provides the discipline to establish such a connection; the connecting dimension of architecture is because of the phenomenal properties of a built form.
Architecture, as the art of changing the environment and the space, involves a dialectic process between the physical and the intangible world of our own. Martin Heidegger describes phenomenology as “the science of phenomena” (Heidegger M. 1977). Phenomenology in its etymological sense is the activity of giving the account of the way things appear.
Firstly, chapel of St Ignatus, seattle by Steven Holl was completed 1997. In the chapel of St. Ignatus the building communicates the …show more content…

Pallasmaa says “Forms themselves are meaningless but have the power to communicate via association (through the experiences gained by users in the space), Linking this to the chapel, Steven Holl was strongly able to create an experience of the space for the worshippers in the chapel through the form, texture, light and how it speaks to the

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