The Importance of Moral Values

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Marissa is twenty-four years old, engaged, and a preschool teacher at a learning center. She always had thought of being a teacher but considered other jobs as well. Marissa believes in the moral value that every individual should be treated with respect and love. She also believes in the moral value of a team or group effort. Jenny is fifty-three years old, single and never married, and a telemarketer by day and a deli worker at night. Jenny’s moral commitment to animals is very strong. Marissa and Jenny are two different people, living two different lives however they have some similarities and differences about them. Marissa and Jenny both selected their occupations based on their moral values or commitments and financial obligations; although their age, reasoning, and attachment to their jobs differ. “Values are especially relevant to moral functioning. For instance, in Rest et al.’s model of moral behavior, personal values pertain to the component of moral motivation, this affecting whether the individual is willing to take an action she or he has deemed to be right” (Juujarvi, Myyry and Pesso 414). Marissa and Jenny are share similar morals, however how they adapt them to their work differ. Marissa did not always want to be a teacher, after graduating high school she considered other types of work. After thinking and considering her moral values she selected her job based on her moral values which directly relate to child care and education. This decision for her seems to fit in perfectly with the definition of values stated earlier in this paragraph. Due to her job pairing up with her moral values she is able to have more motivation to work and enter with a clear mind. Although, Jenny also selected her jobs based on her... ... middle of paper ... ...ssa has a commitment to her job due to a strong moral value she holds to the children and her coworkers. Marissa also shows a commitment to her job as well. She enters her classroom Monday through Friday ready to teach the children, love them and motivate them. Jenny also has an attachment to both of her jobs, however hers is different. Jenny has an attachment to her job as a telemarketer and deli worker because that is all what she has done for the past ten or more years. They both find it necessary to work due to financial obligations which are agreeable with Weber’s theories. Works Cited Juujarvi, Soile, Liisa Myyry and Kaija Pesso. "Empathy and Values as Predictors of Care Development." Scandinavian Journal of Psychology (2012): 413-240. Weber, Max. The Protestant Ethic and the "Spirit" of Capitalism and Other writings. London: Penguin Books, 2002.

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