The Importance of Merchants in Medieval Times

563 Words2 Pages

During the Medieval Times, merchants were just as important and wealthy as the lords and nobles. The way they would go about their wealth was getting an education to learn how to think, count, information about the world, interest rates, exchange rates, and many more information that relates to dealing with money and trade. Education has always been important to create opportunities to have successful jobs and it was interesting to read that in Medieval Times education was considered more of a hobby, but to be a merchant it became less of a hobby and more of an opportunity to be well-educated people and gave them a chance to be successful business men. Merchants were big contributors to their countries’ economy. They would buy raw materials, have several weavers and craftsmen make products out of the raw materials, and then sell it to people. They would tax all of the goods they sold and give that money to the owners of the land on which they were selling their goods. The idea merchants had, had been to find land where there was a lot of trade. Italy was a country benefited for tra...

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