Leadership And Management: The Importance Of Leadership In Management

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Brian’s employment lead to a massive change in how things operated in the workplace which could lead to issues in the changeover from styles from staff.

Brian 's inability to stick to a decision and constantly changing his mind and methods.

Brian also does not clearly state what he wants when he asks staff to complete a task which leads to it being performed in a way that does not satisfy him.

Brian also does not motivate staff and congratulate staff when the complete tasks for him.

Brian has not been listing to the feedback he has been receiving from co-workers by denying the request made by senior staff

Putting down his staff to senior management making assumptions about co-workers.

Brains lack of professionalism in his meeting …show more content…

Leadership in management theory is someone who can use their own ideas and convince others to carry out those ideas effectively. (Robbins,S., Decenzo ,D.,Mary,C.,& Woods,.2016,pg 304) . Many leader carry these types such as transactional leaders which are leaders who use a series of social interactions, which are used to motivate fellow workers to complete goals and transformational leaders , inspire and motivate though big ideas that captivate people and bring them on board to motivate staff and to complete goals (Robbins,S.,Decenzo,D.,Mary,C.,& Woods,.2016,pg 314.) Control is another theory that is the backbone of the many successes and failures of this case study .Control in management is important because it is used to survey activity in the workplace to ensure goals and objectives are met or exceeded (Robbins, S., Decenzo, D., Mary, C., & Woods, .2016, pg 362).Jim utilizes Leadership and control thought his time a manager of this business. Jim was a manager who was viewed positively by his workers and was able to accomplish goals with ease because he had good leadership as transactional leader who got to know his staff and creating good relationships with them. Brian’s leadership stance he takes which does not suit the company is the hands off approach to leadership using his position as a leveraging point to …show more content…

The result of some of Brian’s early decisions from setting impossible tasks to the constant change of mind lead to staff requesting transfers from the department this could have been avoided by listening to the complaints left by the team and adjusting the requirements and methods taken by Brian. During the meeting with upper management the inability to compromise and work out a solution lead to a fight and even a punch, a more civilised approach during the meeting with breaks could help foster more professional discussion and lead to a real solution to the problems happening. The inability for a conclusion to come from the meeting this lead to Brian to stick to the ways of leadership he had been demonstrating which lead to the team splitting up and becoming induvial again which lead to little work done . If a decision was reached in the meeting or even if upper management came down to help monitor and come up with a solution this could have been turned around before some serious damage had been done to the teams trust and motivation which stem from brains poor leadership and

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