The Importance of Leadership and Management in a Firm

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3)Nowadays, in our century of changing business environment and international markets, it is truly vital for businesses to have in their ranks effective leaders. Leadership is the process of influencing other people in order to follow the leader and achieve the goals he sets. Others define leadership as the empowering of people and the creation of a vision for them to follow. The truth is that everybody understands leadership in a different way and we cannot say categorically what it is (ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΕΙΣ). However, regardless of the definition, leadership is a hard role to assume, but also highly necessary for all firms, who desire to survive in the contemporary, very competitive corporate world. Effective leaders have multiple tasks to perform and missions to accomplish- and they have to accomplish all of them quite perfectly-almost in the same way that an orchestra conductor operates- in order to achieve the company's goals and enjoy long-term success.

Every aspect of effective leadership has its own importance. First of all, a successful leader should care for and motivate his/her colleagues. Leaders must have many human-related skills, such as empathy and understanding and they should be always available to provide advice and support to their team members. Building a solid team is a crucial part of a leader's duties and it is a complicated one. As teams gain more and more significance in modern businesses, the task of organizing them and maintaining the balance within them is of great importance. Leaders put together great teams of different people and help them work well together. Many companies are plagued by incompetent team work with poor job results, loss of precious time due to indecisiveness and lack of consensus. Especially...

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...eas leaders, as mentioned above, create a new future for their firm and are great visionaries. Their view of the world and the business environment differs significantly from the managers' view. Leaders desire to bring on positive change and improve every aspect of the firm, whereas managers focus more on everyday transactions and do not seek change.

In conclusion, we can say that both leadership and management are vital for a firm. No motivation and great performance can be achieved without the inspiration caused by a true leader, but likewise a company cannot survive without proper and diligent management, as everyday tasks are equally important as a vision for the future. It would be ideal for the two roles (leader and manager) to be embodied by the same person. However, even if that is not possible, every firm needs an effective leader as well as a good manager.

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