Dietary Supplements: Risking Our Health And Dietary Supplements?

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The increase in consumption of fast and inexpensive processed foods has created a struggle among many of us to get all the nutrients we need out of our diets. As a result, the dietary supplement industry has experienced a drastic growth in popularity. Confusion of what the actual benefits of dietary supplements are has increased as well. Many consider these supplements to be beneficial, but studies have proven that they can be more prejudicial than beneficial. Is it worth risking our health by consuming dietary supplements? Or should we strive for a healthy and balanced diet instead? Some risks associated with the consumption of dietary supplements are contamination from harmful substances, adverse reactions caused by drug interactions, and megadoses of nutrients. It is because of these reasons that we should not consume …show more content…

Supporters of dietary supplements argue that there are many essential vitamins and minerals found in multivitamins that can be difficult to attain solely through one’s diet. As well, they claim that the taking protein shakes repair muscles and helps the body recover after exercise. However, many multivitamins contain synthetic nutrients instead of natural ones, which are harder for the body to absorb. A study from the Government Accountability Office has concluded that twenty-five percent of more than two thousand dietary supplements from three hundred different manufactures lack the quantities of substances listed on the product labels. As for proteins, according to Dr. Ward in source one “Dietary Supplements: The Health Benefits of Pumping Up Your Diet”, proteins can be harmful to certain populations, especially people who suffer from diminished kidney function. Therefore, we can conclude that there are almost none existent benefits from the intake of dietary

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