Conformity In Society: The Aspects Of Conformity

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In society, it is natural for humans to associate with groups that share the same beliefs and or political views. We as humans find comfort in conforming to the social norm of a group or society. But, following this trend of conformity consequently causes people to blindly follow others, even if those supporting the cause do not entirely understand the true nature of the group they have associated with.
This conformist behavior leads to problems between groups as conflicting beliefs created a divide in society and lead to civil unrest. Other problems include the development of a herd like society that of which follows the pack unknowing of what they are signing up for.. Although some may disagree and state that the aspect of conformity leads …show more content…

It is human nature to do this, but this does not mean it is necessary or even beneficial to our lives. An example of this tendency to conform is politics, in our government there are two main parties the Democratic and Republican Party. These parties throughout history have had ever changing views and stances on social issues and with these changing views are the votes of the public should change with the parties. Unfortunately, due to our human nature, there is a want to associate with a certain group, although their perspective upon social matters has long changed, but because of our readiness to blindly conform people state that they are a Republican/Democrat and always have been. This mindset that people tend to follow must come to an end as it is of no benefit to society. Society conforming to this trend leads to the misrepresentation of the public. This issue of our human nature to conform to a certain opinion while it has no benefit to the community must come to an end in order for the society to improve and become more …show more content…

It was found that if subjects know that they will be together in good or bad luck, they are remarkably more likely to follow what the others are doing, even though the signal is imprecise and uninformative. (“The Sound of Others: Surprising Evidence of Conformist Behavior.”). In other words, when faced with the same unpredictable outcome as others the participants it triggered more risk taking behavior caused by the sound of clicking from other participants. The proves the fact that people are willing to blindly conform to others, even though the outcome of the situation is

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