Importance Of Effective Communication

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Importance of effective communication defines communication as “a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning” (, 2016). The key words in the above definition are mutual and understanding. To be effective as a manager, one must learn to utilize several tools, practices, and procedures to promote good communication skills, thus creating an aura of mutual understanding when communicating with both, those under their direction, and their peers.
Elements of communication Communicating involves three elements, which are, the sender, the receiver, and the message itself. …show more content…

The most prominent obstruction being that some people are disreputably better at communicating than others, due to natural abilities or from learned methods. Managers who struggle in this area should learn the necessary skills and then practice these skills to aid in minimizing this barrier. Factors that will enable a manager to overcome many of these barriers are building a trustful relationship with fellow employees and considering the background of the person you are communicating with, as each person will interpret what they hear and/ or see based on their own surroundings and cultural upbringing.
Physical barriers Physical barriers are barriers that relate to location, time zones, or technological interruptions. These barriers can be minimized by being aware of the location the communication takes place, the time frame, and any possible interference that may be caused by the medium utilized.
Semantic barriers Semantic barriers are those that pertain to the words or language used in the communication process. As a manager, this type of obstacle can be overcome by composing our message in a manner where as the receiver will completely understand what we are trying to convey in specific terms. Alternative cultures can have diverse meanings for not only words, but also gestures. Jargon can also be problematic and should be avoided it most situations. As a manager, being mindful of our choice of words will avoid misinterpretation of our intended

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