The Importance of Athenian Influence on Modern Western Society

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According to the PBS Empires series, Classical Greece, and particularly Athens, was the crucible of civilization. As the inventors of democracy, rationalist philosophy, and other institutions valuable to the West, the documentary impresses the importance of Athenian influence upon modern society. It also attempts to analogize the feuds among the Greek city states and the Peloponnesian War to the internal conflicts in Western society.

Greek civilization originated with Minoans on Crete, which was then followed by the Mycenaens, the heroic peoples of the Trojan War. After their fall, Greece fell into a period of decline, “the Dark Ages,” until the reemergence of classical culture around 600 B.C.E. At this time, the city states in Attica, Peloponnesus, and Ionia were slowly gaining power. Particularly, the Dorians who had established Sparta, though reputedly existing from antiquity, established their dominance over the Peloponnese. The emphasis on Spartan martial tradition seems to suggest a criticism of their underdevelopment in other cultural features, such as the arts or philoso...

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