The Importance of Art in School

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When I was in high school, I was very involved in the arts. I took a band, choir and two years of visual art. During the years of high school, I knew that the fees for the art courses cost much more than other electives at my school. I also observed that the school focused more on their athletic and academics programs, than on their art programs. We had many fundraisers to raise more money for the art programs even after paying an already expensive fee to takes these electives. Schools are neglecting the visual arts programs and placing all of their money and focus on academics and athletics programs. I propose a balance between the arts, academics, and the athletics.
In fact because of schools focus more on academics and athletics and that art programs are not their main focus. By this it is showing that the art inclined students are not their main focus, but would rather focus on the other students that would show that they are better than other schools in the area. Because of the school focusing on the students that are better at academics and athletics, it makes the art inclined students feel like they are not one wanted or are they should be better at academics and athletics just like everyone else at the school. It also makes them feel like they can't be a part of the school and make it better for everyone. With only one art teacher in my high school, only a few students could get into the art classes. This made it very hard for the students who really wanted to be in the classes and having to choose classes that they did not want and not able to express their creativity.
Therefore, A lot of schools are now implicating a program called Art integration. As Marshall, the author of “Transdisciplinarity And Art Integration: ...

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...l K-12 but if they cannot be , then they should be integrated into the other subjects. Without art in schools it could hurt a child’s early and late deployment. Art integration has shown that it helps with creating ideas, thinking with a new mind set, and process new challenges that they will face as they grow and see things that they have not seen yet. Many people believe that art integrated with the other subjects would not help students I disagree with that, art can help with many subjects and help students understand them.

Works Cited

Baker, Beth. "Arts Education." CQ Researcher 16 Mar. 2012: 253-76. Web. 4 Mar. 2014.
MARSHALL, JULIA, "Transdisciplinarity And Art Integration: Toward A New Understanding Of Art-Based Learning Across The Curriculum." Studies In Art Education 55.2 (2014): 104-127.Art Full Text (H.W. Wilson). Web. 5 Mar. 2014.

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