The Importance of Archaeology

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Archeology is the study of historical and prehistorcial civilizations through the recovery and analysis of their materials culture. Moreover, it contains the study of human activity in the past. It has been often put to political use. In time of Adolf Hitler the Nazi Leader, archeology was unlikely special interest. The importance of Archeology was used by its leader to make his case that Germany had every right to invade surrounding countries. They used nationalism and the archeology itself to maintain and rationalize their party ideology of the superior Germanic race. It also allows employing many archeologists to help them seek and reach their political goals but the idea was not occur in a short time. To reach their desire, the idea was first developed in the mid 1800’s by two Frenchmen, the Comte de Gobineau and the Comte de Boulainvilliers (Young 2002). It is basis that archeology can be easy manipulate because it was rely on non-written sources of its interpretation.
On January 30, 1933, Adolf Hitler the foundation of the Nazi, he was appointed by President Paul von Hidenburg. It is beginning of the big influence of Nazi to power in Germany, they eliminate individuals’ freedom and create a society that surpasses the level of everyone and religious differences and they call it Volk community. In the first two years of his chancellorship, the Nazi became the controller of the power of every organization such as political groups, government’s state, and professional and cultural organization. They brought them in line with Nazi’s desire.
Nazi regime successively established a system that controls all aspects of society. Among the goals of this policy were two control how people think and as many aspects of life as possible (Sh...

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...intentionally falsify data, it is important to learn from the lessons of those under the Nazi regime because the Nazi government is not the only one that misused and manipulate archaeological data for political date and nationalistic reasons and this example should serve as a caution to all archeologists.

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