Personal Statement For A Career In Accounting And Accounting

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Personal Statement
My overall aim is to contribute to the accounting and finance field by making a research that has practical implications for the market and the policy makers; through researching the role of accounting in providing decision-useful information to the stakeholders as well as exploring the potential avenues for enhancing the predictive and analytical role of accounting.
I enrolled at the Faculty of Commerce and specialized in accounting as I love solving problems and cases. I was the first at my college and was appointed as a demonstrator, then started my master studies. It was a very essential stage in my life as it has given me a substantial experience in research which is affecting my entire learning process. Further, I have developed my statistical analysis skills where I used Stata software for applying the empirical part of my thesis, which was highly appreciated by the professors in the thesis committee.
So, I wanted to know more and gain an access to these techniques. That brought me the idea of enrolling at the Institute of Graduate Studies and Research (IGSR). Studying IT in the IGSR has opened for me several avenues for integrating the two disciplines. Hence, I have decided to continually advance myself in this arena for the purpose of my doctoral research as well as for being updated with the ongoing changes in the world businesses and industries. Therefore, I have enrolled in Mr. Ajit Jaokar course on Data Science for Internet of things (IOT). Evidently, SAP integrates IOT data with business processes to build effective business applications. Working with Mr. Ajit and participating in the course projects in a teamwork basis, have given me a substantial hands-on experience and widen my knowledge in the

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