Themes In A Pair Of Silt Stockings By Kate Chopin

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Literature evokes the reader to form a whirlpool of ideas and emotions. One famous author that has been able to gain a vast audience is Kate Chopin. She has published many short stories such as “Story of an Hour”,” A Pair of Silt Stockings”, “A Respectable Women”, “Desiree 's Baby” and “The Storm” . These stories cause people to question whether their assumptions of a novel are correct. Two major themes that Chopin promotes throughout most of her work, is the importance of a woman and the hierarchy of a male. These stories all have different story lines, but share a common ground, which is the admiration of a woman 's role in life and their constant struggles they face compared to men. Women from all over the world are seen differently. Some force to marry and depend on their husband while others acknowledge their self-worth. Woman is also taught to behave in a mannerly way. The norms of a woman have already been set, it …show more content…

Many women are often driven by impulse when dealing with materialistic fulfillment. In "A Pair of Stilt Stockings" Chopin creates a realistic situation that women face on a daily basis, which involves purchasing items to make one feel jubilant. The protagonist uses materialistic object to escape the dilemma she faces in her marriage (Allen). Every relationship has problems, but some faces, their problems differently that might not be the best way .Overall each woman find their own way to feel good again. The character desperate act of bringing "some autonomy and beauty into her meager, overburdened existence, she rebels against the condition under which she has labored" (Allen).The character believes that her worth was determined by the expensive luxury belongings. Though there was no mention in the male dominance in this story, the idea of the protagonist finding amusement in other things besides her family shows her conflict of

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