The Importance Of Communicative Teaching Approach

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earners are expected to participate in collaborative classroom activities .They are supposed to be active participants in the language learning process .Hu (2002) asserts that the roles of students inside the classroom are supposed to be “those of negotiators for meaning, communicators, discoverers, and contributors of knowledge and information” (pp.95-96).Similarly, Mangubhi et al. (2004) assert in their description of students and teacher’s roles in CLT classroom that students are strongly engaged in expression, interpretation , and negotiation of meaning whereas the teacher serves as a facilitator and participant inside the language classroom.
3-3 Communicative Teaching Approach and CMC It is linguistically agreed upon that the orientation …show more content…

It is an asynchronous form of communication through which the written messages are typed via computer keyboard, and read as text on computer screen. The Email has been called the “mother of all internet applications” (Warschauer, Seltzer, and Melon, 2000, p.3) due to the benefits it offers .Email has been applied in language learning, and proved to be an effective medium , since it can provide students with immediate feedback .It allows students to discuss and communicate directly , cheaply , quickly , and reliably .Moreover , it enables students to have more control over their messages ;they can plan , compose, edit and deliver them better than in face-to-face communication .Email can reduce leaners ‘anxiety (Kern, 1995), and facilitate social learning (Belz, 2002), improve writing skills (Warschauer, 1996), and facilitate communication (Cooper & Selfe, …show more content…

Youtube can be integrated in foreign language learning due to the benefits it can offer to facilitate the learning process. It can show authentic examples of how the target language is being used by everyday people. This will therefore will make the learners differentiate between the formal style and the informal one. Furthermore, it improves the learners’ listening skills. Thus, Youtube is an audiovisual aid that attracts the students’ attention and involves them in a perfect atmosphere to promote authentic

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