Implementing Health Habits

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Pablo Neruda, a Chilean Poet mention: “Where does the rainbow end, in your soul or on the horizon?” Whenever I read this quote I think optimism; if you’re optimistic many doors will open. Well you may be tasking yourself what does being optimistic has to do with your health? A study made in 1990’s, in Finland, with two groups of 1,250 healthy man (one group was pessimistic and the other group was optimistic), in a time frame of ten years; reveal that the group who were pessimistic, two thirds of them die, and the rest of the group had suffer from cancer or heart attacks. I don’t have the best health in the world, but by being pessimistic I am only going to make things worse for me that could led to a premature death. So my first healthy habit is being optimistic. They say that what you eat impact a lot in your health, that’s why I eat fish once a week; which make this my second good health habit. Fish are not only have a good amount of oils which helps you in various ways, including your hair and skin; and also easy to disgust and you don’t have that extra weight in your stomach. A...

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