Impairment of Judgement in Macbet by William Shakespeare

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Macbeth’s judgment is not only impaired by the three witches’ prophecies but also his wife’s corrupt ambition. As time progressed before Duncan’s murder, the idea of senselessly killing his own king lingers in Macbeth’s mind. The only logical avenue in his mind is to wait for the prophecies to come true instead of rushing them unnaturally; Lady Macbeth slaughters this idea of patience. She questions Macbeth’s manhood, and makes him think that the only way to successfully gain dominance is to murder his royal leader, Duncan. After killing Duncan, Macbeth feels that the only way to guarantee the throne he must take out Banquo, Macbeth’s right hand. Macbeth then disregards Lady Macbeth and starts making rash, psychotic decisions on his own that eventually take him down. Lady Macbeth walks in her sleep and confesses all of their crimes. She is consumed by the evil prophecies and never is the same. Scotland revolts against Macbeth as Thain of Cawdor, taking down his reign. Macbeth is a Scottish general and Thain of Glamis who is led to wicked, evil thoughts by the prophecies of the three witches. Macbeth is a brave soldier and powerful man, but not a virtuous one. Macbeth becomes easily convinced to murder in order to ensure his heir to the throne. Once he conquers his first goal and becomes King of Scotland, he goes mad. Evil takes over him and he takes on atrocities with ease. Macbeth proves his himself better suited for the battlefield rather than political decisions. Macbeth’s response to any problem is death and murder since he is not suited to make those decisions. Macbeth is never comfortable in his role and with his decisions, and role of a criminal. He is unable to bear the physiological consequences of his atrocities. L... ... middle of paper ... ...razy over it. It is easy to get so wrapped up in one thing in this world and that’s what happened to Macbeth, he lost sight of what is really important and focused too much on social status, power, and fame and it cost him his life. Revenge also plays a large role in this play and that can relate to everyday life. Malcolm wanted revenge on Macbeth and he took a stand. He put together an army to take down Macbeth and put his family back at the reign of Scotland like it was before Macbeth murdered Malcolm’s father, Duncan. Malcolm sets out to try and take away what Macbeth has to put stop to his outrage. In life, sometimes we always try and get revenge on the person that did something bad to you or made fun of you. In the play, it’s a little more extreme but it plays into everyday life. Malcolm wanted revenge just like people do today.

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