Nationalism In Sports Essay

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Sports throughout history have shown close ties and relations to values and cultures of a society. Sports and competition have adapted and grown as the world and people have grown and developed. Sports are often seen as simple consequence of the industrial revolution. The Impact of increased urbanization, better communication and transportation, as well as more time and income for specialization, all led to the creation of sports. (szymanski). In essence As the public sphere grew so did the concept of sport. (Szymanski). Even the impact colonization had on spreading sports, shows the congruence between the development of society and development of modern sports. What make sports very unique is that they always bring about a sense of culture …show more content…

Theses characteristics work to create and identity whether it be a fan of sport or team or a Nationality. This connection to a nationality through common characteristics is essentially nationalism. However, When many people think of nationalism they often think of a negative connotation. Images of Hitler and Nazi Germany from old high school textbooks are reminiscent of what most people think when they think of the concept of Nationalism. These very characteristics of nationalism are also embodied in the narrative of modern sports. Modern sports, provide people with a sense of national identity that mirrors the strength of nationalism throughout history. “ .. Nationalism is without any doubt among the most decisive and ubiquitous factors influencing sports as a cultural phenomenon. This should come as no surprise since both-organized sports and nationalism are essential expressions of modernity.” ( Markovits 34). By definition Nationalism is shared group feeling of pride and devotion to a geographic region or cultural demographic. Nationalism is embodied by key characteristics including: language, symbolism, and culture. Flying the American flag or singing a countries national anthem or all values of …show more content…

Looking back in history to the 19th century Europe, colonization and global expansion created a sense of competition amongst European nations. This sparked global rivalries over territories and was a catalyst to the age of nationalism in Europe. The competition between countries venture of manifest destiny was the leading catalyst in the rise of nationalism. It is no surprise that the nationalism and competitive nature of 19th century expansionism, created a platform for the rivalry and competition in modern sports (Bottenburg). Global rivalries in sports are played out in, major events such as the world cup and the Olympics. These events bring out the die-hard and the casual fan together in a global celebration of sporting and national pride. The World Cup of soccer is a great place to begin looking at the impact modern sports have on nationalism and national identity. Every four years 32 teams from across the globe come together in celebration of the worlds most popular game, in hopes their country wins the worlds most coveted trophy. Nationalism in this tournament comes in an array of positivity and negativity. The atmosphere, colors, flags, fans cheering and chanting songs shows the role of symbolism. On the other hand, hooliganism and violence amongst fans show us the negative aspect of attaching such strong nationalistic ties to a

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