The Impact of Society

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Society is very important for promoting emotional adjustment and for improving the quality of our lives. Our participation in the social world can improve our cognition, social, emotional and personality development. It is through society that we acquire all the knowledge about the world and most important we learn how to survive. We also learn how to show emotions such as: sadness, happiness, anger, love etc… If it wasn’t for society we wouldn’t know who we are and survival would be extremely harder. However, society can also cause human destruction due to so much hate. Humans have learned how to create destructive weapons and use it in order to acquire more power. All of this hate can not only kill one another but it can also leave emotional scars behind.

First of all, society can have many positive outcomes in our lives. It is through society that humans learn the essentials of social order which forms the ‘human minimum’ (Asch). In addition, by providing social order humans are able to live with one another and to embrace each other interests. Society also makes language possible. As seen in the movie “the wild child”, an individual who grows up alone cannot develop language. Victor, for example, could not speak; therefore he found himself having a difficult time among society. Besides “individual human beings who have speech, make tools and objects for adornments, observes categories of kinship and rules of property and distinguish between the sacred and the profane” (Asch). In the movie, Victor was able to survive without language; however, he had no friends, no family and was bitten by animals many times. He couldn’t make tools for survival and had no shelter. Therefore, it would be nearly impossible for him to acquire a...

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...all cosmic existence, at least for the time being” ( Mumford).

In general, society can bring happiness and sadness to society. We have all seen the pain society can cause but we have also taken many benefits from it. We are all social creatures and we embrace friendship. We need someone to teach us the basic things in life and to protect us when we are born. Not to mention that living alone it’s almost impossible. We need the love that society can offer. In addition, it is society that provides a secure place for us to live. Therefore, society has become essential in our lives. However, humans need to learn how to use cognition in a more adaptive way. We all need to help others. If we continue to use cognition in a maladaptive we will destroy humanity. Instead, of using technology for destruction and killing we should use to make the world a better place to live.

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