Advantages Of Job Design

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Growing international influences and the increased pace of industries means that organizations must constantly be aware of the affects managing staff has to the business. Globalization has emerged from reduced financial, political and economic barriers, which allows technological and business variation to be spread. If an organization wishes to stay competitive in the global environment, objectives surrounding efficiency and the effectiveness of job design must be critically evaluated. There are a number of different approaches to management; and the ways in which an organization decides to manage people greatly determines the success, moral and initiative of employees. The scientific management, or Taylorism, approach is present in most industries today. It was initially formed by Frederick Winslow Taylor, where the main objective was to ensure efficiency from workers through strict and specific job design. This approach has several benefits to working conditions but there are also limitations that can apply all industries. Specific industries will find this approach impractical because it is better suited for factory or systematic based markets. This approach also raises complicated …show more content…

Collecting information and examining it is how an organization is able to reduce it to a science. Analyzing data for the creation of a job design remains a relevant factor in today’s globalized environment because it examines the effectiveness of certain tasks, and whether the efficiency can be improved. Information is an essential element an employees confidences. A lack of confidence can hinder a workers job performance severely. By creating specific tasks that are unchanging, routine habits are built within workers, where tasks become second nature. This allows for faster performance of tasks which is crucial to stay competitive in today’s globalized

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