Immigration in the United States

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Immigration has changed the demographics of the US. It has contributed to a massive growth of the US population. The inflow of immigrants has added a good mix of various ethnic and racial groups to the US population. The immigrant groups have had a tremendous impact on the social, cultural, economic and political landscape of the US. Initially Europeans came into America as immigrants during the Industrial Revolution. Many years later the Latinos and Asians also came to America as immigrants. Immigration has helped the United States by giving a helping hand and providing a workforce to deal with America’s growing manufacturing economy. In 1880-1930 more than 27 million new immigrants came to America from Italy, Germany, Europe, Russia, England, Canada, Ireland, and Sweden. Apart from all these countries, Mexico is the largest immigration source country. Chinese and Indian immigrants are the second and third largest immigrant groups. The six immigrant-heavy states are California, New York, Texas, Florida, Illinois, and New Jersey. Immigrant votes have affected these six states in many ways. Immigrant integration is a way to incorporate immigrants to be a working part of society. Immigrant integration is the main force that drives the power that immigrants have in the United States. There are many ways in which local schools, churches, employers, and community groups have launched integration programs, such as ESL classes, job training, healthcare clinics etc. Specific examples of these types of programs include The No Child Left Behind Act which was launched in 2001, aiming to aid in the literacy of immigrant children. The 2009 Children’s Health Insurance Program provided health insurance to immigrant children. The Voting Right A... ... middle of paper ... the largest racial ethnic group in California. It is projected that by the year 2016, 28 million Latinos will vote in the American elections. The Latino votes played a major role in the re-election of President Obama. Asians also supported the president’s re-election. In conclusion, we can see how the inflow of immigrant population has shaped America as a nation. This shows that the power to vote and the ability to stand for elections and seek seats in the congress has empowered the immigrants to make decisions about the future of America’s political scene. Nevertheless the Latinos are a dominant future workforce of the US economy. A lot of the Hispanics have joined the Military. Lastly, it is projected that the business community, military, political system, and the education institutions of the United States will be reliant on the Latinos in the near future.

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