Strain Theory In Wetback

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a. Total institution / Page 84: a place that is almost totally controlled by those who run it, in which people are cut off from the rest of society and the society is mostly cut off from them. The most concrete example of total institution in “Wetback” would be the immigration detention center in Mexico. Controlled by the Mexican government, the immigrants are gathered up and in a warehouse. We learn that when the two men arrived in the warehouse they were treated inhumanely. They were interrogated, beaten, robbed, and possibly even raped. This could be an example of a degradation ceremony, a term coined by Harold Garfinkel to refer to a ritual whose goal is to remake someone’s self by stripping away that individual’s self-identity and Strain Theory / page 205: Robert Merton’s term for the strain engendered when a society socializes large numbers of people to desire a cultural goal (such as success), but withholds from some the approved means of reaching that goal; one adaptation to the strain is crime, the choice of an innovative means (one outside the approved system) to attain the cultural goal. Crossing boarders without documentation, no matter what the reason is a crime. The 2 men followed in the documentary were seeking better lives and wanted to live the American dream. One we know had a job that he quit. However, this isn’t true for all immigrants. Many have exhausted all other options available in their home Nonmaterial Culture d. Subculture Answer: C. Nonmaterial Culture / page 35: groups ways of thinking (including its beliefs, values, and other assumptions about the world) and doing (its common patterns of behavior, including language and other forms of interaction); also called symbolic culture. 2. We see the Mexican government detain thousands of people in the immigration detention center. This is an example of _________ sanctions. a. Negative b. Neutral c. Positive d. Gender Answer: A. Negative Sanctions / 45: negative sanction an (expression of disapproval for breaking a norm. ranging from a mild, informal reaction such as a frown to a formal reaction such as a prize or a prison sentence. 3. By following the “participants” on the journey, while observing and documenting what happens, what method of research could we say the Filmmaker Arturo Perez Torres was using? a. Experiments b. Unobtrusive Measures c. Questionnaire’s d. Participant Observation Answer: d. Participant Observation / Page 132: research in which the researcher participates in a research setting while observing what is happening in that setting. 4. We learn that one initiation ritual used by gangs is raping a prospective member in front of the rest of the gang. This can be an example of Harold Garfinkels coined term

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