Food Assimilation Essay

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Introduction Many immigrant families bring with them the foods of their home country and are ready to share them with their children and future generations. However, some do not get the chance to do so as they are pressured to give up their foods for “healthier” and more American dishes. This stems from the ongoing problem of assimilation that has plagued America since the decimation of Native Americans. Nutritionists will make the claim that a great majority of the foods that immigrants from the Caribbean and Latin America are unhealthy and is the cause for chronic disease in immigrants . Asking them to replace their foods is not saying they should replace ingredients but simply switch to a more Americanized meal instead. Food is a gateway that Americans use to pressure immigrants into assimilation. The pressure to assimilate into American culture may be a source of spikes in immigrant health complications; not because the foods themselves are unhealthy. Statistics on Immigrant Health It should be made …show more content…

This is not a new trend. Many times immigrants will take the old style recipes from their home land make them with what they can find in America. The abundance of resources allows them to create foods that are similar in taste but not in calories or fat content. Another aspect of this Americanization is the style of cooking. Many Haitian immigrants will not cut out the fat or take the skin off chicken before they feed it to their families. However, in Haiti the removal is a standard practice . This would make the food fattier and unhealthier than if it were cooked in Haiti. In Haiti, frying food was something done sparingly but is a common American practice . Although it is the immigrants themselves that make the changes in their food, these choices are not made consciously. Assimilation is something that, when done indirectly, seeps into the mind and changes the people

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