Prostitution And Prostitution In Cambodia

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Rich in ancient ruins, beautiful coastlines and agreeable temperatures, Cambodia’s abhorrent garment factories as well as its illegitimate sex-for-sale network present a stark contrast to what is generally discovered when researching what the country has to offer. A garment worker’s career is far from glamorous, and due to factors, such as pay and working conditions, many seamstresses would rather be selling their bodies out on busy streets to survive and support their families. Prostitution runs rampant in the cities, while Cambodia’s programs to end it are what is sending scores of women back onto the streets. Cambodia’s solution to sex trafficking and prostitution is a flawed system. To begin with, Suroosh Alvi, founder of VICE News, reports …show more content…

For years, the United States government had worried that many of the prostitutes were victims of this human trafficking, and put pressure on Cambodia to “crack down” on them. The United States government had been providing an estimation of about six hundred million dollars a year in development aid to Cambodia, so consequently, they finally obliged (Suroosh Alvi, VICE …show more content…

VICE News talked to one woman who explained that when working at the factory, she only makes eighty dollars a month. With this, the woman has barely enough to cover rent in the slums, and a diet of just rice for her family. When one or more of her kids gets sick, buying medicine eats into her food fund, and at times her family had to go without food. Due to the fact of these poor conditions, the woman would put herself back out on the streets at night, moonlighting as a prostitute for as little as eight dollars a

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