The Argument Against Illegal Immigration?

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Illegal immigration has been a widely discussed topic in politics in the US. Some argue that immigrants are necessary as they take the jobs Americans do not wish to take, and that they therefore should be given permission to stay in the country. Others however, are of the opinion that they should be severely punished seeing as what they are doing is illegal, arguing that the illegal immigrants are taking away jobs from Americans and not paying their taxes. Although there are arguments supporting the claim that undocumented immigrants should be punished, there are many counterarguments for why they should be allowed to stay. The extent of illegal immigration has reached such enormous proportions that a reform of the immigration is vitally necessary for American society. It is not tenable that such a large part of a society 's life contains an irregular and 'illegal ' element, and it is necessary for large numbers of these immigrants to have their lives and their contributions legalized and regularized. One of the main arguments against illegal immigration is that there will be fewer jobs left for the Americans as they demand higher salaries compared to the illegal immigrants and it is only beneficial for the companies, rather than the country as a …show more content…

One of them is the criminal justice system, which fails to fight human right violations done to victims, due to corruption and inadequate resources. Other rights that are violated are the labour rights. In 2012 there was a new labour law reform that would make it easier for employers to replace the regular employees with workers on a short-term contract. Because of this a lot of Mexicans may choose the US for better security of their rights. Although these examples are of Mexicans, other undocumented immigrants may come for similar reasons, or they may come from countries with even worse

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