Identity Theft in Our Contemporary Society

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Identity Theft in Our Contemporary Society


How do you secure your identity with the Internet developing faster than can be protected? Attempting to stay ahead of the hackers and attackers has been a contentious effort since the Internet’s earliest days as a research project. Today, after thirty years of prolific development, security concerns have only increased. Designing computer systems and devices which are capable of resisting attack from within, while growing and evolving at an epidemic rate is almost an impossible endeavor. Today, identity theft is the nation’s fastest growing white collar crime and preys upon the financial resources and reputations of its victims to include children and deceased. In many cases, identity theft victims must first prove their innocence before anyone will pay attention. Often, law enforcement officials are not able provide the timely identity theft investigations required to capture the perpetrators due to the sheer volume and multiple jurisdictions associated with the Internet. There is neither an individual nor business that is safe or immune from identity theft’s potential grasp. In today’s prolific advancement of Internet; users must diligently secure personal information in conjunction with utilizing current anti-virus software or assume the risks associated with Internet security.

Lit Review of- with 2 Academic References

The Information Technology and Software Development career was the fastest growing career field in America during 2011 (CNN Money, 2012). Every day we find new innovations and discoveries flooding our lives. The world constantly struggles to move at a faster pace while at the same time improving efficiency. This urge to develop the ne...

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