Identifying Market Segments for Smart Phones

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Part8: Identifying Market Segments Bases of Marketing Segments Sonic should advocate using the needs-based market segmentation strategy. This strategy would be limited to the US according to the specifications mentioned in the marketing plan. Using this strategy, for each of the needs based segments, Sonic should determine which demographic, lifestyle and usage behaviors make these segments distinct, identifiable and profitable. As a startup firm, Sonic would immensely benefit by selecting “Age” and “Generation” as its key variables to market Sonic 1000 PDA to the “professional” segment in the consumer market. This would allow it to build its brand by capturing a sizeable market share and also stay on track to achieve the first-year sales financial goals. Attractiveness of each identified segments In evaluating different market segments, Sonic must look at two factors: the segment overall attractiveness and the company’s objectives and resources (Kotler and Keller, 2009). After evaluating segments, Sonic should identify the most attractive segment based on the following ...

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