Personal Narrative Essay: What Is The Best Christmas Ever?

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Two days after what I felt was the best Christmas ever, not because I received everything I wanted but because I got nothing. I had no gifts under our big plastic green bare tree. It was the best to me because I had given the people I loved the most the best I was able to give. I was able to see them truly happy. Something I had not seen in a long time. Everything was picture perfect that Christmas morning only to know that soon it would all wash away.
On December 27th, 2013 I was removed from my home by Athens Clarke-County DFCS in the middle of the night. I was only able to grab some clean underwear, my phone, my jacket and few other small things. I did not know my fate or what would become of this situation. Only thing I knew then was confusion but I later learned this was a starting point of my new life. I was born on January 1st, 1997 to African American woman named Sheila and a Caucasian father named Corey. My parents met overseas in the Navy and I was born in a Navy Base in Jacksonville, Florida. I was born and was given to my grandparents to raise until their active time was up. My mother is legally bipolar and schizophrenic. My mother ended up being kicked out of the navy when …show more content…

I went to school with bruises and marks all over me. I tried to hide the pain I was feeling inside and out by wearing clothing to cover the physical and by faking it didn’t hurt on the inside. I told my best friends what was going on even though they already knew bits and pieces. My teacher saw the marks and told my counselor. My counselor promised not to tell my mom that I told her what was going on. We had a few more fights until this big one on December 27th. I used to always blame myself because I wanted to love her and I wanted to make myself feel she was a good person. I wanted to make her be the person I remembered her being when I was small but I had to learn the hard way that it was never my

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