What Is Socialization?

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I was born and raised in the United States, where I lived with my mom, dad and two brothers. More specifically, I was born in Mission Hills, Ca., where we lived for about a year before our first major move to Bakersfield, Ca. When I was a little girl, my Dad switched jobs quite a few times, requiring us to move frequently. I was not raised in one specific place, rather a bunch of different places. When I was about 11 years old, we finally settled in San Diego, Ca., where we lived in the same house for about 8 years until I moved out on my own at 19. When I describe to others I usually say I was raised in San Diego, since I lived there the longest and have the most memories of my adolescence from here. As result of all the moving, I went to …show more content…

According to Berns (2016) intentional socialization would be defined as socialization that is done in a purposeful matter (pg. 11). At dinnertime in my house, my mom and dad always use to tell us “ please chew with your mouth closed.” They wanted to teach us about how to use our manners and reminding us of this daily definitely did. They also taught us many important values, such as honesty, gratitude, courtesy and respect, which will stick with us forever. To me, these are great examples of intentional socialization. In school, one saying from teachers that has always stuck with me was “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again.” This was also an example of intentional socialization as the teachers were trying to implement in us that we should never give up and keep trying if we fail. Through my community and sports, my coaches intentionally socialized me by teaching rules of the game and taught us about teamwork. According to Berns (2016) unintentional socialization happens unexpectedly through social interactions without a conscious effort of trying to teach or learn something (pg.11). Peers socialize us in many ways without us even realizing it. I had a friend who lived on my street and after playing at her house several times, I observed her talking back to her mom. Even though I had always had a strong desire to please my parents, I picked up on this social cue from my friend and at times I talked disrespectful to my parents. The media also unintentionally socialized me by the lessons I learned through the content of the shows that I watched. An example of this was my brothers enjoyed watching the typical action packed shows. Without them realizing it, these type shows were teaching them violence and portraying that violence is

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