I Must Write

571 Words2 Pages

I feel like giving up. Stop trying too hard because the result will always be the same despite of the effort I put in. I have tried to wheedle myself believing that I can do better, but so far there is no change in the outcome. Time is running out and hopes of making a change are dying and I am tempted to simply throw in the towel, and succumb to the defeat. It feels like am trying to catch the wind. Why is this so hard difficult for me? All I want is to make a step in English. To prove that I too can write a good paper. To relish writing the English papers, but it has proven to be extremely difficult. I wonder why it is the only subject that am not doing well or advancing. It is hard to concede that I cannot make any amelioration and that it is too late to reverse work that is already done. The thought of writing English papers is very daunting and prompts me ruminate that I might never be a good writer. I hear these two voices inside of me: one says that I can still put in some extra effort that might change my grade, but I have limited time remaining and there is only a few more...

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