Host Family Case Study

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Are students living with a host family better than living in a dormitory? Yu Ching Sy (Carol) IELS Level 4 Nadine Roberge 17 March2014 Are international students better off living with host families, rather than living the standard college dorm life? Students who study abroad have the same opportunity as domestic students to either live in the dormitories or rent their own apartment. Host families provide several benefits to students, allowing them to improve their fluency in the native language, find more readily accessible outlets for entertainment, and achieve an increased sense of convenience in their living space. First, language is one of the most important forms of communication, so the ability to communicate when abroad comes down to a better understanding in the language. If living with an American family, an understanding of the English language will improve very fast. An employee at USA International, a homestay agency in operation for more than thirty years, notes that numerous students studying abroad in the U.S. “choose to live with a host family bec...

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