I Am Felt Like You Didn 't Fit

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Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in with anyone. All the people your age have similar things in common while you rather be doing something completely different. In the beginning of my life I never encountered kids. All my siblings and family members were older which made me have thoughts of an older child. In addition, I started school later than the average kid which hesitated most of my teachers. There was one event in particular that finally made me sociable as a kid, and not afraid of acting my age. The horror began when my grandparents decided to attend an adult only burlesque show the last night on our cruise. I cried and cried while they tried to explain that the whole trip revolved around me which confused me more as a five year old. As we approached the “Camp Blue” doors I kept thinking to myself what if they don’t like me. All I heard was screaming. I don’t what made it worse, the fact that it was so loud or the fact that it was so high pitched. It was my first cruise with my grandparents and my valuable time was being spent in kiddie camp or what I like to call it, t...

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