The Last Thing I Remember

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"Why do we have to listen to this stuff sarge?" yelled James.

"Because son," Sergeant Mackey replied, "This stuff is your history, and as long as I'm your commanding officer, I am not going to let you grunts forget nothing from the glorious days of fine music!"

Sergeant Sam T. Mackey always loved blasting old heavy metal music from the 1980's through the chopper's intercom, it irritated younger privates like James because the music was roughly 70 years old, but every private learned to bear it most of the time begrudgingly.

"Hey Sarge, how about changing the tunes to something a little more in-touch?" said Liutenant Rodriguez, who wasn't a fan himself.

"How about you stow your bellyaching L.T.?" barked Mackey, "This stuff is good for your soul, and you greenhorns get nothing like that these days." The Sarge looked away and glared at the opening. He looked African American, had a bald head and a menacing scar across his face, but he smiled often, had an optimistic attitude and unlike everyone else, he loved being a marine. His stature was that of a giant and I heard he weighed in at 400 with his gear on, he was rough, rigid, and he seemed to do his job with a chip on his shoulder. He was roughly 68 years old but modern medicine had kept his body intact to that of a 35 year old, so he had experience from being a marine sergeant for over 30 years.

"Can someone just kill me and get it over with? I can't stand this garbage." scowled James who looked more irritated than anyone, James Marinovich was a first class private fresh out of boot camp, he always was complaining about the trivial stuff like when were we going to eat next and why we always get the difficult missions. Mackey loved to yell at him, and as a result he scowle...

... middle of paper ..., slowly, pacing like my life depended on it. I reached the door and heard a quieter hissing of the voices I heard in the hallway earlier and when I turned I saw him standing there in the corner of the room, I couldn't see his face, only a silhouette. I turned my gun on him but for some reason I was moving in slow motion, for some reason I was having thoughts that weren't mine, and I felt my mind slowly, painfully, drifting into insanity. I lost my balance, collapsed from a complete lack of mental stability, and soon the world was spinning. I don't know how much time passed before he came over to look at me, apparently to give me a good look at his face, but for some reason when we locked eyes my mind was rapidly seeing visions and symbols that I didn't understand, my mind collapsed in on itself and everything turned black.

And that's the last thing I remember.

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