Who I Really Am: A Personal Statement on Facebook

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This May Be My Last Time – I don’t know / So this is for you to KNOW!
I often skim down my timeline and many things that I share here publicly on Facebook, YouTube, Blogger, and surely and other social media network that I have access to. It’s never my intention to do so when my fingers start walking across this keyboard. I always trust it was God’s will that for whatever reason whatever will be coming through from my fingertips will be used for His Glorification at the “End Result”. Before I share what I’m about to I’ve got to take a minute and talk a little bit about me from me... I’m often misunderstood, I can vividly see why many misunderstand me; I would probably misunderstand me too, looking from outside the box point of view. There is one thing that I feel the very important need to make known. Just to briefly sum it up for you. It hasn’t been not too much over a year ago when I would consume on the average at least a pint of straight liquor every single day, anybody that knows me can tell you about drug consumption and me, many would call me a hateful stuck up brat I’m sure… It really heated things up in the kitchen a little over a month ago when my own mother made a statement referring to me as a know it all; quickly my temper flared. Let me tell you just some very intimate facts about McCoy before I share a personal event that in which most definitely NOT any of my choice to share with anybody especially the social media publicity. For starters, a know it all, surely wouldn’t have dropped out of high school with only 1 more year left, seriously who does that? Yeah, that’s me. Many people pay such close attention to physical appearance, I’ll be sure to upload some of these yearbook pictures for your humor. I...

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...eath you… Lord, have mercy on us both if our paths were to ever cross paths… This took a bit longer than I had expected to prepare… I certainly trust that it will reach whomever it was intended for… Got a feeling that this one completes what was for me to share on Facebook… but… I don’t know the master’s plans… I only TRUST HIM… Since I surely didn’t feel like putting this out there and Jesus is my only boss… Make what you will of it… so If I never have the chance to say it again on Facebook... I’d better say it right now… because right now is all that we are certain of… outside of God’s Promises… I Love You, I Thank You, I’ll continue to pray with you and for you… and if you never ever see me again on this side life… Yawl throw a big ole Sangin, shouting, moving all about testifying service for me… Be Blessed Stay encouraged… and most of all Love Each other!!!

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