Analysis: Why You My Best Friend

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Moving, or rather, anything in my then-short life changing was always stressful. I transferred schools due to overcrowding during fifth grade and I remember feeling uncertain. Would my teachers like me? What if people don’t want to be my friend? Typical juvenile thinking, although I was convinced the first day would not go well. However, this proved contradictory as I met my best friend within the first 20 minutes, although I did not know it when. We were in the same home room and our teacher asked her to introduce me to the unfamiliar currents of the new school. The first thing I noticed was that she was perceptive. She assuaged my unspoken fears, assuring me the teachers and fellow peers were, in her words, “super-duper nice”. Ever since that day, conversation flowed endlessly, and it was always give and take. Everything was comfortable and easy, sharing secrets and swapping stories like there was no one else around. To no ones’ surprise, we spent an immeasurable amount of time together throughout middle and high school. This …show more content…

Simply put, life is better with a companion. We learn to adapt to the changes of constantly interacting with a personality that is always changing. You’re supposed to be able to say “I do not have any second thoughts nor regrets meeting you” and mean it. Silences are comfortable and we are flexible on our different viewpoints. Rather than feeling envious, I rejoice for my friends’ good fortune. You are always truthful because you know that honesty can sting for a moment whereas a lie can your whole relationship. In this world, there are people who will take you for granted and lie to but there will always be one person that you can always count on. This whole long distance relationship can be tough and we need to do what we need to do but it does not change anything about

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