Impact Of The Hyksos On The Development Of New Kingdom Egypt

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The Hyksos (heqa khasawet) occupied New Kingdom Egypt throughout the 15th - 17th dynasty (a period of Egyptian decline) before their eventual expulsion by Pharaoh Ahmose and the commencing of the 18th dynasty. The Hyksos appear to mainly had a positive impact on the Egyptians however there is negativity shown through propaganda however little archaeological evidence shows the Hyksos were highly important to the development of New Kingdom Egypt, this was through several new technologies brought in by the Hyksos. The Hyksos contributed to new cultural, economic, political and technological advances that impacted the New Kingdom Egypt society conversely the Hyksos existence is brought down by the negativity of the propaganda perpetuated by people …show more content…

‘The Hyksos forced Egyptian Pharaohs to look beyond their own borders, and involve themselves in the affairs and lives of their neighbor’s’ Through the notion of looking beyond their own borders, the necessity of constant battles was not only to expand but also protect Egypt’s borders, this eventually led to the image of the ‘Warrior Pharaoh’. Egypt became the pre-eminent power in the east due to talented civil, military and religious bureaucracies. The Hyksos ‘encouraged new nationalism and patriotism’ this could be seen through formation of administration, stable rule, gods and building externally while taking on board the establishment of the extensive diplomatic and trading contacts with the eastern Mediterranean region and Nubia. The economic influences created by the Hyksos include various influences that furthermore excelled New Kingdom Egypt to be a greater society. The ‘foreign rulers’ introduced olive and pomegranate trees as well as domesticated cattle to the agricultural practices to Egyptian society. New trade routes and relations with Syria-Palestine, Nubia and Crete were opened up to Egyptians. The main technological advances that the Egyptians used to improve their society was the Hyksos’s advanced weaponry. The improvements implemented include the replacement of copper with bronze in …show more content…

The fundamental features of the Warrior Pharaoh image during New Kingdom Egypt included; leading his soldiers into battle and returning in victory, attacking the enemy in his horse-drawn chariot which was adopted from the Hyksos, wearing war regalia , larger than life expectations and finally offering the spoils of war to the god Amun, the inspiration of his victory. Due to the absence of the their pharaohs on military campaigns, the Queens began to play a more prominent role within the New Kingdom Egypt’s society, however this was a short term consequence of the civil war as it was only necessary when the Pharaoh left to go to war or on a campaign. The rise in roles and prominences amongst the Queen’s slowly decreased towards the end of the war until Hatshepsut comes into power. After this the Queen’s involvement seems to disappear and we begin to no longer hear about

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