Analysis Of Kurt Vonnegut And June Casagrande

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What does Kurt Vonnegut and June CasaGrande have in common? Both authors don’t have anything in common other than they both are authors, and may disagree. In Vonnegut writing, he states “No one is smarter than anybody else” (Vonnegut) while CasaGrande discuss that “the human brain approaches the task of writing and reading differently” (CasaGrande). Vonnegut and Casagrande reach a concurrence in their writings Harrison Bergeron and A Word, Please: Why is it so difficult to catch or own errors? and share a similar message that brains are different, have different task levels, and thinking levels. To begin with, both texts have a different approach to relate the message. Vonnegut share his message with a short story, to relay his message. …show more content…

She states in her article “my talents for spotting others writers’ boo-boos goes out the window when I proofread my own work. To say I’m terrible at catching my own mistakes is an understatement” ( CasaGrande). CasaGrande discuss how she good at noticing other people problems and errors, but she can’t her own doesn’t matter if its writing or reading her work. She saying no matter how much she can read her own work; Casagrande still won’t see errors that she made if another person was to read her work. That’s gives an example of how the brain approach reading and writing differently. “No matter the subject or message, my writing often contains errors I can’t catch” (Casagrande) meaning that it doesn’t matter the topic of the message that you’re writing you’ll never see the error that you made. The topic or message could be very important and you still will make and error this just show how the brain is differently when writing. “When the brains perform high-level tasks, they generalize simpler task like spelling” (CasaGrande) the brain performs other task like gathering thoughts on what to discuss or looking for errors that it misses simple things. When reading your own work, you’re sharing information and ideas that you thought about. The ideas that you thought about might have seemed accurate so you don’t notice them. When, writing coherent words on paper or …show more content…

Boths texts discuss functions of the brain. Vonnegut discuss how in no one is smarter and society brain is being controlled. CasaGrande states how the tasks or reading and writing are differently. Both are relatable because of equality everyone has a functioning brain that thinks. Brains think different things and at different levels. In Harrison Bergerson everyone in society had a functioning brain that thought at different levels. Some people were more intelligent than others that shows how they function different. Harrison was more intelligent than others in society and his thinking level was more advance then most. This relates to CasaGrande text when she stated “my talents for spotting others writers’ boo-boos goes out the window when I proofread my own work” (CasaGrande) meaning that people brain function differently at different task because an error that you miss someone else may notice. The previous sentence is just an example how the brain has different thinking levels. In Vonnegut text, he said no one is smarter than someone else proves that he is wrong; because Harrison was smarter than some people in society. CasaGrande argue that the brains are different at thinking levels. Both male and female brains are different and extends into a difference of what they can

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