The Brain: The Most Successful Part Of The Brain

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The most mysterious part of the human body is the brain. The reason for this is because for several years people wondered if we can literally grow the brain like a muscle. Like a muscle in any other part of our body we need to exercise it, by this I propose to challenge your brain with equations or activities that you are not usually custom of doing or not good at. These activities would grow your brain in intelligence and in mass. Why do I say this? The reason why I say this is because, in research, animals have been shown that animals in captivity have no cranial expansion, but animals with toys and that are surrounded by challenging surrounding and areas are shown that there brain have gain ten percent more brain mass over time. The most interesting part of this assignment was how to be able to grow your brain just by challenging it in situations that need processing power from your mind or time to think. One way to expand your brain in math would be practicing good techniques to solve problems and doing challenging equations. By doing this I learned people can grow parts of their brain, as shown in the juggling experiment which shows that people who practice this activity have increased and improved their motor and visual parts of their brain. …show more content…

From learning about growing the brain by hard work and good ways to solve problems, this means that going to tutors that have knowledge of math and physics. By learning lessons and ways to solve problems from tutors, would get me closer to reach my goals as a college student. So in conclusion it is possible to grow your brain, this is possible at any age of a person 's life. Even animals can grow there brain shown in studies, therefor dogs can learn new skills and tricks. The most important part of growing your brain is having good ways to do problems and at the same time have hard working

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