Effects Of Mass Media On The Sexualisation Of Women In The Media

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In this essay, I will discuss how women are becoming increasingly sexualised through media. Factors in which I will consider in my essay are, media such as women’s magazines and adverts, smart phone devices, and stereotypes across both social media and mass media. I will be carrying out primary research by asking women how they feel their gender comes across in the media.

Firstly I will examine the effects that the mass media has on the sexualisation of women in social media. Mass media sources such as magazines like Cosmopolitan frequently show women seen as the ‘ideal’ often in tight clothing with their midriffs and cleavage on show, this creates a mildly sexual representation of women. However, even the slightest sexual appeal created by the mass media has a direct impact on how women see themselves and how they respond to it unconsciously in their everyday lives …show more content…

The title of the article is ‘The Health Bloggers Who Duped Us All’. The introduction of the article before the text made me want to read on as it stated that ‘This article revealed that one Instagram user who has over 20,000 followers was actually when she was actually suffering from an eating disorder and would post images of food that he claimed to be eating just to gain more ‘followers’ and ‘likes’ in order to fit in with what society wants and the latest trends set by mass media. Another blogger admits to sucking in her stomach, wearing a push-up bra, and posing strategically to look slimmer in order to gain more attention over social media, this false image of her body caused her to deleted thousands of images that were posted as she knew it was manipulating the minds of women who wanted to look like the unrealistic version of herself. Another quote which is relevant to the ways in which social media are changing women

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