How to Sucessfully Integrate New Members into a Team

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Integrating new members into the team

• Induction is the first step of the new employee’s career in the business, so it is very important that this is carried out correctly.

• The First day induction should initially explain the company’s mission and objectives and the key role the employee will play in achieving the company’s vision. This is a good starting point as it ensures everyone is pulling in the same direction from day one, which is paramount to the business achieving success.

• Induction will identify any initial training needs and mandatory training courses the employee is required to attend in order carry out tasks safely and correctly. This will instil comfort and confidence in the employee because they will be equipped with the right tools to do their job at an early stage of employment

• For the new employee and the first Line manager giving the induction, it will possibly be one of the first official meetings between them so will help to build the relationship they will need to form to run as a successful team. Role profile will be discussed in depth during the first weeks and individual objectives set

Procedure for Induction

Through the research I have carried out, it is clear to see that each and every company has varied induction processes, from very basic (half an hour) to very complicated and time consuming inductions (3 days)

I will outline the standard process used by Romec

• Induction starts when a request is sent to HR to advertise for a Job vacancy

• HR will start the recruitment process by sending out adverts both on the Romec Intranet (Internal) and External to Job Advertisement sites and Agencies

• Once the person has been passed through the recruitment process (interview, vetting, accep...

... middle of paper ... constructively and understanding the context

Choice – must want to chance and embrace the feedback as constructive and beneficial.


It is very important that a person is inducted properly into the workplace so that they are immediately working towards the company’s vision and values and that they are clear on the role they are there to do. Romec’s solid and thorough induction process helps with this integration.

Coaching is a big benefit to the business as it allows us to develop employees through the use of a specific plan that the coach and employee agree on way to improve aspects concerning their role. A good coaching plan can motivate into achieving things

Feedback is a fantastic tool to improving an individual through constructive communication, as long as it is relevant and delivered correctly, such as using the BOOST model as a basis.

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