How to Succeed as a Student

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Life as a university student can be tough, but to make sure you get your money and times worth out of it you need to know how to be a successful student. Being a successful student requires a combination of attending your classes, doing your homework, and monitoring your level of stress. This may not sound too hard, but once you are in the moment and need to juggle all of these things along with all of the other responsibilities and challenges life entails it may begin to seem like a much more difficult task. The first step to being a successful student in University, or anywhere else, is to attend as many of your classes as you can. Attending your classes is vital to your success in a university environment. Some teachers will use online services such as Moodle or Blackboard to inform you of when you have a test or a quiz, but others will only tell you in class. Tests and quizzes are most of the time worth a large portion of your mark, and if you don’t show up for class you often won’t know when you have them. Instructors are not just hired to read to you from a text book. Most of ...

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