How to Measure Obesity

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Obesity is the condition where the body fat exceeds the limit and leads to an effect on the health of the body. Obesity and overweight have in the last decade become a global problem. Did you know the United States of America has the highest rate of obesity in the world. So how much do you know about obesity? You should know how obesity is measured? Obesity is difficult to measure. The best measure we have is the BMI or Body Mass Index. Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. The symptoms of obesity are, breathlessness or in other words unable to breathe properly. Because the people who are obese and overweight are very large, moving and walking around is very hard to them, so the fat people must breathe slowly. Another symptom of obesity is high blood pressure. High blood pressure is caused by the fats and load mass pressurize the arteries so it builds up resistance thus decreasing normal blood flow causes the heart to pump out more blood which causes high blood pressure. Diabetes is one of the of the causes that occur from obesity it can be destructive, also it may lead to death. Diabetes develops when glucose can’t enter the body cell which happens when there is not enough insulin. Many obese people have a joint problem that’s because of the extra weight on the joints. Sleep apnea or problems with sleeping that interrupts sleep by stopping breathe for brief period. Cancer is one of the symptoms or effects for the obese people. Men have higher risk than women of having colon and prostate cancers. Overweight people may also have psychosocial effects and depression. Many people think that obese people are lazy and weak this gives disadvantages to the overweigh... ... middle of paper ... ...acks a day. Experts believe if the current trends continue by 2015 approximately 2.3 billion adults will be overweight and more than 700 million will be obese. The scale of the obesity problem has a number of serious consequences for individuals and government health systems. Eight to 18-year old adults spend an average of 7.5 hours a day using entertainment media, including, TV, computers, video games, cell phones and movies, and only one-third of high school students get the recommended levels of physical activity. Many people do not realize how obesity can damage the body and for your overall health. Obesity and overweight is very bad and has bad effects on the human body and can lead to diseases that can't be cured and it may lead to death but there are treatments for it before reaching this level by exercising two to three times a week to not become obese.

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