How to Identify Villains and Heros

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In a play, there are always heroes and villains. Sometimes, one can not always tell who are the heroes and villains. William Shakespeare, in his play, Julius Caesar, shows the difference of heroes and villains using the senators of Rome to show the difference between heroes and villains. The hardest character to determine was the hero Brutus, by analyzing his loyalty, background, and his intentions, one can determine that Brutus was a hero to Rome.

Brutus’ loyalty helps shape whether his cause was justice or unjustified. In the beginning, Brutus is walking with Caesar. He even helps him when a soothsayer tells him to beware the Ides of March. “What man is that? / A soothsayer bids you beware the Ides of March” (I, ii, 18-19). If Brutus always had the thoughts of a villain, he would have kept quiet, letting whatever the threat is, overcome Caesar. Also, another reason to determine his loyalty is when Brutus is with Cassius and Cassius want’s Brutus’ help. “Into what dangers would you lead me, Cassius, / That you would have me seek into my self / For that which is not in me”...

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