Importance Of Environment Essay

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Every being on earth are dependent on environment because of its mother nature of providing most of the essential things needed for daily life, such as , food, air for respiration, lumber to make houses, etc. Especially for us, human beings, environment plays an important role in maintaining our health by providing the requisites to make healthy body. Even though everybody has a clear understanding of the importance of environment, people are degrading it. Because of the increasing population and their wastes thrown, environment is loosing its purity in supplying us with essentials that we need for everyday life. Instead of supplying us pure materials, environment has no other option than to give us toxic materials, which ultimately results …show more content…

Water is essential for us for various purposes, such as drinking, bathing, washing clothes, cooking, etc. As we drink, bath with or cook with fresh and pure water, it has many advantages in our day-to-day life. For instance, water relieves fatigue, improves mood, treats headache, helps digestion, flushes out toxin, etc. (Top 10 Health Benefits…). But nowadays-fresh water is hard to find because of the increment of pollution in the environment. People are ignoring the pollution of environment to fulfill their needs and wants. Every sector is responsible for water pollution today. For example, in science lab not all students throw the chemical in appropriate containers, some of them throw in the sink and industries wastes are thrown directly into water, etc. People are being ignorant about these because they don’t want to think this through the sustainable way, but they just want to use it for now not for the future. People know that we are polluting the water sources, but they don’t want to change for the better. They have the mentality of thinking like; it’s working now that means it is fine. The main thing that people are not realizing is that their habit of polluting the environment is affecting them now. Contaminated water contains bacteria, E. coli, nitrates, pesticides, other harmful chemicals from industrial wastes, etc., which has a severe health risks in an individual (Halton Region). Some of the …show more content…

Almost all the energy required to function a normal body is get through the food we eat. A normal person consumes four meals a day to keep their body functioning well. There are many advantages of healthy and fresh food, such as fewer wrinkles, less stress, flatter belly, fresh mind, etc. (9 Hidden Benefits…). Before we used to be provided with fresh and healthy food, but today people have started using insecticides and pesticides in the crops they grow. People are focusing in the quantity of food than the quality because of which people’s health is at risks. Farmers use toxic substance to kill insects and grow crops, which are also absorbed by the crops. “Pesticides are the only toxic substances released intentionally into our environment to kill living things” (Toxics Action Center). We go to market and buy the toxic food, cook them, and eat them not realizing what is being used to grow this crop. This leads to abnormal health conditions of an individual ultimately leading to short-term or long-term diseases. So, to eat fresh and healthy food, we have to raise voice to let farmers know that we do not want food that are grown with any

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