How The Internet Has Experienced A Revolution

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The Internet has experienced a revolution in the way that websites can be created, managed, hosted and marketed. In the early days of the internet, a team of web developers would be needed to create a robust website. There were many disciplines that had to be mastered to create a professional website, from coding and layout design to image manipulation and the basic knowledge of server software systems. The Internet has advanced at a rapid pace, and the technological requirements to have an online presence have withered down to the ability to use a mouse and keyboard, click and drag, and enter in text. Online hosts, such as and, each offer a variety of tools to help business owners and individuals to create an online presence. Homestead even offers premium tools to help market and promote a website. Using the new-generation of tools these websites provide, one can have themselves online and accessible to the entire world in a relatively short manner of time.
One of the main features and selling-points that the two website publishers I researched into provided was a quick turn-around time to have a live site running. Homestead advertises that by using one of their hundreds of templates, a fully-featured website is possible to have online within 30 minutes. Once a template has been selected, the process of customizing the site and filling it with one’s own content does seem as though it would be brief. If a business is planning on putting itself online, a 30-minute time-frame for publication seems too brief. A good website should have a thorough covering of a business’s mission, products and beliefs. Most of the company websites visited in my own personal experience also contain pages that te...

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... freeing up your time to work on your business. All three of these tools from Homestead are very powerful, and can help generate a good deal of legitimate traffic.
An online presence is even more important now than in the past. We live in an ultra-connected world where the internet is never further away than your own pocket. As Internet technologies have evolved, businesses like Homestead and Wix have stepped up to the plate to simplify creating an online presence. New technologies have allowed the streamlining and mass-production of websites for extremely low prices. The new tools these websites offer, such as click-and-drag editing and marketing tools, can help guarantee that a venture online is a profitable one for a business. With these tools, anyone can create an online presence, for themselves or their business, with minimal work and minimal knowledge.

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