Electronic Medical Records (EMRs)

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This paper will discuss the Mayo clinic and its involvement in National Health Information Network; The Mayo clinic is renowned for its outpatient clinic, and it’s diverse and complex organization. This paper will show financial considerations involved in implementing an integrative electronic medical record. Address ethical and legal issues that are involved in

including the possible issues that might occur for a very small, a medium-sized, and a large organization or system when trying to replicate the Mayo Clinic’s health information system. This paper will show critical and imaginative possible scenarios for the three various-sized organizations. You are being graded on your grasp of the potential challenges, benefits and disadvantages and your ability to synthesize issues we have covered in this course.

Electronic Health Record

The bases of electronic health records are a digital version of paper charts, the information that is contain on the EHR, is the patent’s medical and treatment histories; which includes medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results. One key advantage is the medical information through a network is available at your finger tips, when patients visit the office often times they can’t remember the names of new medicine, testing or upcoming testing that their children are taking. Being able to access electronically can help provide higher quality and safer care for patients while creating tangible enhancements for the organization. There are many key advantages to using EHR’s; accurate, clear, up-today medical information, and effective diagnosis, which can help, reduce medical errors. With ...

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Rose, R. V., (2013). EHRs: Pros and Cons from a legal Perspective

Takahashi, P., (July 2012), Health Care Technology Today, https://eds-b-ebscohost- com.csugolbal.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail?vid=2&sid=c1c98daf-b000-4af7-a099



Tan, J. & Payton Cobb, F. (2010). Adaptive health management information systems:

Concepts, cases, and practical applications (3rd ed.). Sudbury: MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

VitalHealth Software, (February 21, 2011), VitalHealth Software Announces Beta Program for Ambulatory EHR Designed with Mayo Clinic, https://eds-b-ebscohost- com.csuglobal.idm.oclc.org/ehost/detail?vid=3&sid=c1c98daf-b000-4af7-a099- d1c1df961ecc%40sessionmgr198&hid=107&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d %3d#db=bwh&AN=bizwire.c32246362

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