How the American Revolution Changed American Society

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From 1763 to 1789 the American Colonies underwent a radical transformation into an independent self governing nation. British debt accumulated from the French and Indian War brought colonists into conflict with the mother country over a variety of social, political and economic issues. However, the outcome of the American Revolution was not a radical departure from America had been prior to 1763 but later, with the introduction of the constitution, developed unto a revolutionary society.

At the end of the American Revolutionary War in 1789, the colonies were free from British rule and a new nation was born. The Articles of Confederation created a new American Republic which was only replaced with a more democratic government under the Constitution. With this, it can be said that the outcome of the American Revolution was not a radical departure from America had been prior to 1763 but later, with the introduction of the constitution, developed unto a revolutionary society.

Before 1763, the English empire had taxed the colonies but only to regulate trade and enforcement of these laws was minimal. A turning point came at the end of the French and Indian war in 1763. The British empire had rung up a large debt fighting the French and looked to the colonies, as they were the subject to the war, to pay off these debts. Parliament passed several laws to generate revenue, regulate trade and pay its local government. The Sugar Act insured colonists bought sugar from English plantations, the Stamp Act taxed any printed material that passed hands in the colonies to generate revenue and the Quartering Act was used to shelter the standing British army in colonists homes.

The colonists saw the British as a liberty loving empire but view...

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...thers felt it would be necessary to change the constitution as the nation grew. An independent judiciary system was created to (brief description). To prevent any one person from becoming too powerful, term limits were created. (needs a better description)

The Constitution reformed much more than just the government, stark social changes were created as well. It ended the slave trade in 1809 but, a paradox for a nation fighting for liberty and freedom, the founding fathers would not extend those rights to women and slaves. The Constitution gave citizens the right to express, promote, pursue and defend common interests. A direct response to (need example). The right to bear arms was included because of the nations fear the British might return. The search and seizure clause was added as a response to the Quartering Act the British created to house the royal army.

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