How Social Class and Gender Affect What We Drive

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How social class and gender affect what we drive

Social class and gender can be determined based on what kind of vehicle you drive. Although there are many stereotypes relating cars to their drivers which involve social class and race. It can determine that you are the type of person who likes to be in control. What you drive might determine how you feel about the environment or what kind of race or culture an individual comes from. Society also puts a lot of stock in what kind of car a consumer buys. You see advertisements in the media all the time trying to make it sound like this car was meant for you. Too often people’s first impression of you is what you drive instead of who you are.

Car advertisements are everywhere in the media, news, and decide what car fits your social class. They force it into your head that you are not whole until you have the car of your dreams. Advertisers like Cadillac and Mercedes make people of wealth think they need to spend tons of money for this luxury car just to establish themselves and show their wealth. They advertised on the media that...

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