How Sexuality and Faith Are Essential to a Person's Life

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In Erotic Journeys: Mexican Immigrants and their Sex Lives by Gloria Gonzalez-Lopez she expands on what the definition of the Mexican culture is. She compares the Mexican society to the society in LA. She discusses multiple things one of the things she discusses in her book is the meaning of virginity in the family and what sex represents. Gonzalez-Lopez interviews many individuals to talk about their culture and how they felt living in Mexico and how their points of views changed once they moved to LA. Religion and traditions are deeply integrated withing the Mexican culture. It’s drilled in the female’s mind to stay a virgin for her future husband and having sex with someone other than her future husband puts her family’s reputation on the line. In the Mexican culture, women are raised to be recessive to their husbands while the men are raised to be dominant in the household, sex, and work, which causes individuals that immigrate to LA to look at their culture differently; women are liberated and start being successful in their career, and not recessive to their husband; they don’t feel pressured into staying a virgin or worried of insulting their family’s reputation.

Gozalez-Lopez interviews people about their personal stories and how they dealth with situations similar to such. One of the people she interviews, Diego, talks about what he had to do to save his girlfriend from public shame because she had sex with him. “I married her because of honor. I had to come out and face the bull, to protect her image and her name” (Gonzalez-Lopez, 98). If a woman looses her virginity before marriage she can be seen as a whore, slut, or not properly raised. Many women are forced to marry men that they would never consider husband mate...

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...ctice their religion freely. I thought this presentation was very effective in the way that it made me compare religions to others. In Islam, no one intervenes with your relationship with god they truly believe that only god can judge whether you are in heaven or hell. In my own belief, I think that Christianity can be oppressive in many ways. I really enjoyed this presentation it opened my eye to a different kind of point of view towards religion.

Works Cited

Gonzalez-Lopez, Gloria. Erotic Journeys. London, Berkley, and Los Andeles: University

of California, 2005. Print.

Seidman, Steven, Nancy Fischer , and Chet Meeks. "Transsexual, transgender, and queer." New Sexuality Studies. North Carolina: Routledge, 2011. . Print.

Seidman, Steven, Nancy Fischer , and Chet Meeks. "Transgendering." New Sexuality Studies. North Carolina: Routledge, 2011. . Print.

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