The Build Up to Bloody Sunday

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The Build Up to Bloody Sunday

On Saturday 5 October 1968 a civil rights march was organised, but it

was stopped before it had really begun by the Royal Ulster

Constabulary. The RUC broke up the march by using batons, which left

many members of the march severely injured. Broadcasters around the

world were filming this incident. The incidents in Derry had a big

effect on many people around the world but particularly on the

Catholic population of Northern Ireland. For two days after this march

there was serious rioting between the Catholics and the RUC. In the

following January there were many civil rights marches with increasing

violence brought about by over policeing and confrontations between

them and loyalist crowds. On 25 April 1969 following a bombing

campaign by Loyalists extremists, 500 additional British troops were

sent to Northern Ireland. A few months later on the 12th August 1969

as the Apprentice boys passed near the Bogside area a serious riot

erupted. The RUC got involved to try and stop the riot by using water

cannons and armoured cars. They were closely followed by a loyalist

crowd. The people who lived on the Bogside forced the RUC and

loyalists out of the area. Once being pushed out of the Bogside the

RUC used CS gas to again enter the area. (This was to become known as

the battle of the Bogside, which lasted for two days). On the 13th of

August serious rioting spread across Northern Ireland from Derry to

other catholic areas stretching the RUC. The rioting was between

Catholics, Protestants and many more people. The majority of Catholics

were forced from their homes. After this two days of rioting, the


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people lost there lives.

* Widgery Inquiry launched. The English Lord Chief Justice, Lord

Widgery, was appointed to investigate the events of Bloody Sunday

* Before announcing the inquiry the English PM, Edward Heath, met

Lord Widgery and told him it must be quick and that a military and

propaganda war was being fought in NI. The Nationalist community

was unaware of this meeting and unaware of what Lord Widgery

decided at this meeting.

* Lord Widgery decided the inquiry should :

* -Examine if the army shot indiscriminately at the crowd or only at

certain identified targets, not if the people shot were unarmed.

* Look only at the events of a limited time span on the day itself,

from the first shot to the last.

* Take as little time as possible.

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